Do-It-Yourself Interior Painting

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Do-It-Yourself Interior Painting

The type of paint you need:  Latex, or water-based paints, are usually used where there won’t be much need for washing. Enamels, or oil-based paints are used for woodwork and other areas where there might be a lot of handprints. They are easy to clean because of their glossy finish. You’ll find a lot of enamel paint in bathrooms and kitchens for this reason.  A nice touch is a higher finish on the trim work.  And, for that really designer look, consider a ceiling with a color (tastefully light color).  

To estimate how much paint you’ll need, multiply the perimeter of the room by the height of the walls, which will give you the square footage of your room. For ceilings, simply multiply the length by the width. A gallon of paint typically covers 350-450 square feet. You’ll want to overestimate a bit to account for later touch-ups. When painting, start at the top and work your way down – ceiling, walls, trim.

Its all in the preparation.  The best outcome starts with prepping your room.  Take off hinges, remove light receptacles and cover lights and fans with plastic.  Yes, it takes some time but it will save you loads of time when you don't have to scrape paint where it doesn't belong!  Tape around trim work and at ceilings so you don't get runs.  Remember to keep pets out of rooms and keep fans off so you are not blowing around pet hair ... as much as we love our furry friends, we don't want their fur plastered in our walls!